Solar electricity is an option for you if your current electricity costs are high, you have access to direct sunlight, or if you simply want to increase your property value. Depending on the location of your property, there are many state and federal solar energy incentives as well as utility company rebates you can take advantage of. Together with the government incentives, these rebates significantly reduce the cost of implementing residential solar power systems.

LEDs are a hot item right now. A growing number of businesses are transitioning to this particularly modern style of lighting, and there’s no wonder why. Among other things, they minimize energy consumption and last longer than other lights. It's hard to ignore the financial and environmental advantages that can most certainly be gained when using LEDs instead of traditional incandescent or fluorescent lights.

Cogeneration is a proven technology that has been around for over 100 years. Commonly referred to as cogen, it is accepted as the most energy-efficient means of producing electricity. Cogen systems now produce almost 10 percent of our electricity, both nationally and globally. They also save customers up to 50 percent on energy expenses while providing even greater savings to the environment, significantly reducing emissions associated with power plants. These systems are backed by environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In an effort to increase cogen-based electricity production in power plants and meet the national electricity demand, the EPA recently formed the CHP/Cogeneration Partnership.

Since the deregulation of the New York energy market, consumers have been able to choose their own energy suppliers. There are a number of suppliers, each with its own individual sourcing. Until now, an individual company would sign up with a supplier at a quoted price, which would change according to the fluctuations of the supplier’s source. J Synergy’s idea is to provide a platform where the individual can have the power of the aggregate. By putting together an Energy Buyer’s Network of over 2,000 commercial consumers, J Synergy can leverage price negotiations to get its clientele the absolute lowest rates. Additionally, because there are no long-term contracts, consumers don’t have to worry about being locked out of a favorable market. J Synergy constantly reviews suppliers and pricing to make sure that customers are getting the best current rate.

Adding insulation to an existing building can help regulate the interior temperature, making its environment more enjoyable, especially in times and places of extreme weather. Insulation also adds a moisture barrier between the inside and outside of a building. This can protect all of your possessions indoors and create a much more comfortable working environment. Another benefit of insulation is the filtering of pollutants and allergens, preventing them from entering your building.
Insulating your building also has financial benefits for you as a business owner. With added insulation, your building will become much more energy efficient. It will keep your environment cool in the summer and warm in the winter, reducing the number of heating and cooling appliances needed to keep your building comfortable. All of this ends up reducing energy bills and heating and cooling costs.

Submetering is the installation of metering devices that measure actual energy consumption after the primary utility energy meter. Submetering allows for the individual monitoring of tenants, departments, pieces of equipment, or other loads, to account for their actual energy usage.
The installation of submeters provides a variety of benefits to the building owner as well as the tenants as it records actual energy usage and is an analytical tool for allocating costs to tenants, departments and building management systems (BMS).

Water conservation encompasses the policies, strategies and activities that manage fresh water as a sustainable resource, protect its environment, and meet current and future human demand. Factors such as climate change increase the pressure on natural water resources, especially in the areas of manufacturing and agricultural irrigation.
The goal of water conservation efforts is to ensure availability for future generations, as the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate. With just a quick walkthrough of a facility, our team may be able to spot certain leaks or other water issues that can save you thousands of dollars annually.

Many electricity customers see rates that are based on averages, but that actually bear little relation to the true production costs, which vary over time. Demand response is a program established to motivate changes in electricity usage by end-use customers in response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to provide certain payment incentives to reduce usage in times of high market prices or grid instability.”

The term “energy audit” is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of energy studies. These can range from a quick walkthrough of a facility, seeking out major problem areas, to a comprehensive analysis of the implications of alternative energy efficiency measures sufficient to satisfy the financial criteria of sophisticated investors. When the object of study is an occupied building, reducing energy consumption while maintaining or improving human comfort, health and safety is of utmost importance. Beyond simply identifying the sources of energy use, an energy audit seeks to prioritize the usage according to the cost-effectiveness of savings opportunities.

Credit repair services are provided to assist consumers in challenging inaccurate or misleading listings on their credit reports. Not everyone has the desire to repair their own credit. Instead of investing the time and energy on their credit, customers have chosen to take advantage of the credit repair services provided by J Synergy.
A good credit score is very important in the energy world, as investors who will be financing projects (Cogen, Solar, etc) have to be sure that they will get a return on their investment. A solid credit score can ease these concerns.

For premium-level clients, J Synergy offers certain hybrid products to assist with energy procurement. Instead of locking in a fixed price for the entire term of a contract, J Synergy offers different products that provide clients the option of locking in but a portion of their energy requirements and floating the remainder of the load on the NYISO or NYMEX rate. These products offer clients the benefit of fixing one of the cost components of their energy price, and the flexibility of locking-in a full-requirements fixed price at any time during the term of the agreement.

In the past few years there have been major changes in the methods used by utility companies to calculate their billing. However, the information utilized to assess these changes is not always correct. As a result, companies are frequently overcharged for their energy usage. J Synergy possesses an in-depth knowledge of billing practices and will analyze your bill for any discrepancies. In many cases, this can result in a substantial refund.